# HG changeset patch
# User Houzefa Abbasbhay <houzefa.abba@xcg-consulting.fr>
# Date 1676568173 -3600
#      Thu Feb 16 18:22:53 2023 +0100
# Branch 13.0
# Node ID da9a0fe039b65f5cfd3d5a5a60eaac2665026a91
# Parent  c23bed64ca21f46fe92eb99c5b1c74079f17639f
``jsonschema`` âž” ``fastjsonschema``

diff --git a/NEWS.rst b/NEWS.rst
--- a/NEWS.rst
+++ b/NEWS.rst
@@ -2,9 +2,14 @@
 Export constants from ``.base``.
 Used by other modules; these exports got removed when I replaced an ``import *`` earlier.
+``jsonschema`` âž” ``fastjsonschema``.
diff --git a/__manifest__.py b/__manifest__.py
--- a/__manifest__.py
+++ b/__manifest__.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     "name": "Converter",
     "license": "AGPL-3",
-    "version": "",
+    "version": "",
     "category": "Hidden",
     "author": "XCG Consulting",
     "website": "https://odoo.consulting/",
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@
     "data": [],
     "installable": True,
     # These dependencies are in the "requirements" file.
-    "external_dependencies": {"python": ["jsonschema"]},
+    "external_dependencies": {"python": ["fastjsonschema"]},
diff --git a/model.py b/model.py
--- a/model.py
+++ b/model.py
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@
 from .validate import VALIDATION_SKIP, VALIDATION_STRICT, Validator
-import jsonschema
 _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -96,7 +94,7 @@
         if self.validation != VALIDATION_SKIP and self._jsonschema is not None:
                 self.validator.validate(self._jsonschema, message_data)
-            except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exception:
+            except Exception as exception:
                 _logger.warning("Validation failed", exc_info=1)
                 if self.validation == VALIDATION_STRICT:
                     raise exception
diff --git a/requirements b/requirements
--- a/requirements
+++ b/requirements
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 # Used by converter module
diff --git a/validate.py b/validate.py
--- a/validate.py
+++ b/validate.py
@@ -19,13 +19,12 @@
 import json
-import math
 import os
 from typing import NoReturn
 import odoo.addons
-import jsonschema
+import fastjsonschema
@@ -47,9 +46,7 @@
         self.repository = repository
         # exemple "https://annonces-legales.fr/xbus/schemas/v1/{}.schema.json"
         self.default_url_pattern = default_url_pattern
-        self.schemastore = {}
         self.validators = {}
-        self.search_path = "not initialized, please call initialize()"
         self.initialized = False
         self.encoding = "UTF-8"
@@ -57,57 +54,33 @@
         repo_module_basepath = os.path.dirname(
             getattr(odoo.addons, self.repository_module_name).__file__
+        # Read local schema definitions.
+        schemas = {}
         schema_search_path = os.path.abspath(
             os.path.join(repo_module_basepath, self.repository)
-        self.search_path = schema_search_path
-        for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(self.search_path):
+        for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(schema_search_path):
             for fname in files:
                 fpath = os.path.join(root, fname)
                 if fpath.endswith((".json",)):
                     with open(fpath, "r", encoding=self.encoding) as schema_fd:
                         schema = json.load(schema_fd)
                         if "$id" in schema:
-                            self.schemastore[schema["$id"]] = schema
+                            schemas[schema["$id"]] = schema
+        # Prepare validators for each schema. We add an HTTPS handler that
+        # points back to our schema definition cache built above.
+        for schema_id, schema in schemas.items():
+            self.validators[schema_id] = fastjsonschema.compile(
+                schema,
+                handlers={"https": lambda uri: schemas[uri]},
+                use_default=False,
+            )
         self.initialized = True
-    def validate(self, schema_id, doc) -> NoReturn:
+    def validate(self, schema_id, payload) -> NoReturn:
         if not self.initialized:
             raise NotInitialized("please call the initialize() method")
-        uri = "file://{}/{}.schema.json".format(self.search_path, schema_id)
-        validator = self.validators.get(uri)
-        if validator is None:
-            schema = self.schemastore[
-                self.default_url_pattern.format(schema_id)
-            ]
-            resolver = jsonschema.RefResolver(uri, schema, self.schemastore)
-            validator = jsonschema.Draft7Validator(schema, resolver=resolver)
-            self.validators[uri] = validator
-        validator.validate(doc)
-def multiple_of(validator, db, instance, schema):
-    """Fix rounding which fails when comparing e.g. 66.6 vs 0.01"""
-    if not validator.is_type(instance, "number"):
-        return
-    if isinstance(db, float):
-        quotient = instance / db
-        failed = not math.isclose(round(quotient), quotient)
-    else:
-        failed = instance % db
-    if failed:
-        yield jsonschema.ValidationError(
-            "%r is not a multiple of %r" % (instance, db)
-        )
-# Fix rounding which fails when comparing e.g. 66.6 vs 0.01
-jsonschema.Draft7Validator.VALIDATORS["multipleOf"] = multiple_of
+        self.validators[self.default_url_pattern.format(schema_id)](payload)