# HG changeset patch
# User Houzefa Abbasbhay <houzefa.abba@xcg-consulting.fr>
# Date 1560931093 -7200
#      Wed Jun 19 09:58:13 2019 +0200
# Node ID 1f24b9bc5c624bb23b2a64c502325dc2119df95e
# Parent  a787692921915d17fbaee9531fc7952c49f18822
Drone file: Convert via "drone convert"

& get isort from the "odoo" branch of xcgd/isort.

diff --git a/.drone.yml b/.drone.yml
--- a/.drone.yml
+++ b/.drone.yml
@@ -1,27 +1,53 @@
+kind: pipeline
+name: default
+  os: linux
+  arch: amd64
-  hg:
-    image: plugins/hg
+  disable: true
+- name: hg
+  pull: default
+  image: plugins/hg
+- name: flake8
+  pull: always
+  image: alpine/flake8
+  commands:
+  - flake8
-  linter:
-    image: alpine/flake8
-    commands:
-      - flake8
-  isort:
-    image: xcgd/isort
-    commands:
-      - isort -c -df
-  docker:
-    image: plugins/docker
-    secrets: [docker_username, docker_password]
+- name: isort
+  pull: always
+  image: xcgd/isort:odoo
+  commands:
+  - isort -c -df
+- name: docker
+  pull: default
+  image: plugins/docker
+  settings:
+    dockerfile: Dockerfile.docker_build_copy
     repo: xcgd/odoo_scripts-docker_build_copy
-    dockerfile: Dockerfile.docker_build_copy
     tag: latest
-  mattermost:
-    image: plugins/slack
+  environment:
+      from_secret: docker_password
+      from_secret: docker_username
+- name: mattermost
+  pull: default
+  image: plugins/slack
+  settings:
     channel: dev
     username: drone
-    secrets: [ slack_webhook ]
-    when:
-      status: [ failure, success ]
+  environment:
+      from_secret: slack_webhook
+  when:
+    status:
+    - failure
+    - success