diff --git a/docker_dev_start.py b/docker_dev_start.py
index 2546f9b90bc99ab55f7d4b019b707b60dad52078_ZG9ja2VyX2Rldl9zdGFydC5weQ==..425ed2d0d7dee881731bd4d56dc3aa04ad8e5181_ZG9ja2VyX2Rldl9zdGFydC5weQ== 100755
--- a/docker_dev_start.py
+++ b/docker_dev_start.py
@@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
 import argparse
 import logging
 import pwd
+import signal
 from subprocess import call
 import sys
@@ -9,6 +10,7 @@
 from subprocess import call
 import sys
+from threading import Thread
 import os
 import ConfigParser
@@ -11,9 +13,10 @@
 import os
 import ConfigParser
-import docker # apt python-docker (1.9)
-from psycopg2 import connect, OperationalError # apt python-psycopg2
+import docker  # apt python-docker (1.9)
+from psycopg2 import connect, OperationalError  # apt python-psycopg2
+from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
 # TODO auto create list of module
@@ -136,6 +139,11 @@
         help="Append the module_list from setup.cfg to the modules to install [default: %(default)s]",
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--start-postgresql',
+        help="Start a Postgresql docker",
+        action='store_true',
+    )
     network_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
@@ -164,6 +172,7 @@
     db_user = nmspc.db_user
     db_password = nmspc.db_password
     use_host_network = nmspc.host_network
+    start_postgresql = nmspc.start_postgresql
     if project_name == 'odoo_scripts':
@@ -192,6 +201,10 @@
         c.has_option('odoo_scripts', 'odoo_type') and
         c.get('odoo_scripts', 'odoo_type')) or 'odoo7'
     image = "%s/%s:latest" % (registry, project)
+    postgresql_version = (
+        c.has_section('odoo_scripts') and
+        c.has_option('odoo_scripts', 'postgresql_version') and
+        c.get('odoo_scripts', 'postgresql_version')) or '9.6'
     logging.debug("Docker image: %s", image)
     # detect if docker image already exists
     docker_client = docker.Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock')
@@ -201,15 +214,7 @@
         logging.info("Test image found")
-    options = [
-        '--name',
-        project_name,
-        '--rm',
-        '--publish',
-        '8069:8069',
-        '--tty',
-        '--interactive',
-    ]
+    binds = []
     arg = [
@@ -249,8 +254,6 @@
     # auto detect local ip
     if use_host_network:
         local_ip = ''
-        options.append('--network')
-        options.append('host')
         local_ip = None
@@ -275,8 +278,7 @@
     password = db_password
     if os.path.isfile(local_conf_path):
         logging.info('Local configuration file found: %s' % local_conf_path)
-        options.append('--volume')
-        options.append('%s:/opt/odoo/etc/odoo.conf' % os.path.join(
+        binds.append('%s:/opt/odoo/etc/odoo.conf' % os.path.join(
             project_path, local_conf_path))
         cp_local = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
@@ -287,6 +289,5 @@
     # data volume handling
     if odoo_type != 'odoo7':
-        options.append('--mount')
         data_volume_name = '{}_data'.format(project_name)
         logging.debug('Using data volume %s', data_volume_name)
@@ -291,13 +292,6 @@
         data_volume_name = '{}_data'.format(project_name)
         logging.debug('Using data volume %s', data_volume_name)
-        volumes = docker_client.volumes(filters={'name': data_volume_name})
-        if volumes['Volumes']:
-            logging.debug('Volume %s already exist', data_volume_name)
-            volume = volumes['Volumes'][0]
-        else:
-            logging.debug('Creating volume %s', data_volume_name)
-            volume = docker_client.create_volume(name=data_volume_name)
-        mount_opts = 'source={},target=/mnt/data'.format(data_volume_name)
+        volume = getVolume(docker_client, data_volume_name)
         # make sure the permission in the volume are correct
         # TODO replace by something cleaner if possible
         call(['docker', 'run', '--rm', '--mount', mount_opts, 'busybox', 'chmod', '777', '/mnt/data'])
@@ -301,8 +295,8 @@
         # make sure the permission in the volume are correct
         # TODO replace by something cleaner if possible
         call(['docker', 'run', '--rm', '--mount', mount_opts, 'busybox', 'chmod', '777', '/mnt/data'])
-        options.append(mount_opts)
+        binds.append('{}:/mnt/data'.format(data_volume_name))
         arg.append('--data-dir /mnt/data')
         logging.debug('No data volume for this odoo version')
@@ -305,6 +299,27 @@
         arg.append('--data-dir /mnt/data')
         logging.debug('No data volume for this odoo version')
+    if start_postgresql:
+        pg_repository = 'xcgd/postgresql'
+        pg_image = '{}:{}'.format(pg_repository, postgresql_version)
+        name = 'pg{}'.format(postgresql_version)
+        docker_client.pull(repository=pg_repository, tag=postgresql_version)
+        pg_data_volume_name = 'postgresql_{}-{}'.format(postgresql_version, project_name)
+        host_pg_port = 5433
+        volume = getVolume(docker_client, pg_data_volume_name)
+        host_config = docker_client.create_host_config(
+            binds=['{}:/var/lib/postgresql'.format(pg_data_volume_name)],
+            port_bindings={5432: host_pg_port},
+        )
+        logging.debug('Creating postgresql container')
+        pg = docker_client.create_container(image=pg_image, host_config=host_config, name=name)
+        logging.debug('Starting postgresql container')
+        docker_client.start(pg.get('Id'))
+        # give pg the time to start up
+        import time
+        time.sleep(5)
+        arg.append('--db_port')
+        arg.append(str(host_pg_port))
     # Check that connection can be done, try to create user if asked to
@@ -309,3 +324,4 @@
     # Check that connection can be done, try to create user if asked to
+    # TODO handle the case where the database is still starting up (and remove the sleep)
@@ -311,7 +327,11 @@
-        test_connection = connect(user=user, password=password, database='postgres', host=local_ip)
+        if local_ip or start_postgresql:
+            port = host_pg_port if start_postgresql else None
+            test_connection = connect(user=user, password=password, database='postgres', host=local_ip, port=port)
+        else:
+            test_connection = connect(user=user, password=password, database='postgres')
     except OperationalError as exception:
         if nmspc.create_user:
             logging.info('Cannot connect to database with user %s', user)
             logging.info('Creating user %s', user)
@@ -313,10 +333,13 @@
     except OperationalError as exception:
         if nmspc.create_user:
             logging.info('Cannot connect to database with user %s', user)
             logging.info('Creating user %s', user)
-            loginname = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
-            connection = connect(user=loginname, database='postgres')
+            if start_postgresql:
+                connection = connect(user='pg', database='postgres', host=local_ip, port=host_pg_port)
+            else:
+                loginname = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
+                connection = connect(user=loginname, database='postgres')
             with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                 # not injection safe but you are on your own machine
                 # with already full access to db
@@ -342,11 +365,16 @@
-    cmd = ['docker', 'run']
-    cmd.extend(options)
-    cmd.append(image)
-    cmd.extend(arg)
-    logging.debug(cmd)
-    # TODO directly use docker-py instead
-    call(cmd)
+    # add volumes
+    odoo_host_config = docker_client.create_host_config(
+        binds=binds,
+        port_bindings={8069: 8069},
+        network_mode='host' if use_host_network else 'bridge',
+    )
+    logging.debug('Creating odoo container')
+    odoo = docker_client.create_container(
+            name=project_name, host_config=odoo_host_config,
+            image=image, command=arg, tty=True)
+    logging.debug('Starting odoo container')
+    docker_client.start(odoo.get('Id'))
@@ -352,5 +380,46 @@
-    # TODO add handling of signal to reload
+    def signal_handler(code, frame):
+        if code == signal.SIGINT:
+            logging.debug('You pressed Ctrl+C!')
+            logging.info('Stopping odoo')
+            docker_client.stop(odoo.get('Id'))
+            logging.info('Removing container odoo')
+            docker_client.remove_container(odoo.get('Id'))
+            if start_postgresql:
+                logging.info('Stopping postgresql')
+                docker_client.stop(pg.get('Id'))
+                logging.info('Removing container postgresql')
+                docker_client.remove_container(pg.get('Id'))
+            sys.exit(0)
+    # TODO add a kill of pg when crashing
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
+    logging.info('Press Ctrl+C to quit')
+    # print docker logs of odoo
+    stream = docker_client.logs(odoo.get('Id'), stream=True, follow=True)
+    while True:
+        try:
+            for log in stream:
+                sys.stdout.write(log)
+        except ConnectionError:
+            # If there is no log for some time requests throw some errors
+            # we ignore them
+            pass
+    # Clean up, just in case
+    # signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, None)
+    # TODO add handling of signal to restart odoo
+def getVolume(docker_client, data_volume_name):
+    """Return the volume passed in parameter, creating it if it does not exists
+    """
+    volumes = docker_client.volumes(filters={'name': data_volume_name})
+    if volumes['Volumes']:
+        logging.debug('Volume %s already exist', data_volume_name)
+        return volumes['Volumes'][0]
+    else:
+        logging.debug('Creating volume %s', data_volume_name)
+        return docker_client.create_volume(name=data_volume_name)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     return_code = main()