# HG changeset patch # User Vincent Hatakeyama <vincent.hatakeyama@xcg-consulting.fr> # Date 1675778380 -3600 # Tue Feb 07 14:59:40 2023 +0100 # Node ID 4e518fc6c41fa69f7fcb14a0fd52688ea7d8a23b # Parent d59bfb5336b11d3861dc59be947429f85b347c9b ✨ Add detection of error of the type *invalid module names, ignored* diff --git a/run_tests b/run_tests --- a/run_tests +++ b/run_tests @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ ok=$(grep ' OK' $logfile -c) fi # odoo 13 uses FAIL as the error message, in the form: FAIL: TestReorderingRule.test_reordering_rule -failed=$(grep ' FAIL\(ED\|:\)\| CRITICAL\| ERROR [^ ]* openerp.modules.module: Can not .import openerp\.addons\.\| TEST .* ERROR:\|Failed to initialize database\| ERROR \([[:alnum:]]\|_\)* .\+\.test_.\+ ERROR: ' $logfile -c) +failed=$(grep ' FAIL\(ED\|:\)\| CRITICAL\| ERROR [^ ]* openerp.modules.module: Can not .import openerp\.addons\.\| TEST .* ERROR:\|Failed to initialize database\| ERROR \([[:alnum:]]\|_\)* .\+\.test_.\+ ERROR: \|invalid module names, ignored:' $logfile -c) if [[ -n "$import_errors_number" ]]; then failed=$((failed+$import_errors_number)) @@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ GREP_COLOR='0;31' grep --color=always "TEST .* ERROR:" $logfile # this one is for odoo 13 for tests that produces errors (failures are matched with FAIL: ) GREP_COLOR='0;31' grep --color=always "ERROR \([[:alnum:]]\|_\)* .\+\.test_.\+ ERROR:" $logfile + GREP_COLOR='0;31' grep --color=always "invalid module names, ignored" $logfile if [[ -n "$import_errors" ]]; then echo "$import_errors"