======= History ======= 10.0.0 ------ Add option to include custom developer mode. Default is still to use reload and pdb. To use ipdb, use ``--dev-opt ipdb`` instead of ``--ipdb``. 9.0.1 ----- Run chown in odoo as root. 9.0.0 ----- Add install option to do_tests, allowing to override installed modules. Fix issues with documentation generation (incompatibility with expand) Changed following base image changes. Make start-py3o option work again. Odoo 13 set not null errors when testing are ignored the same way it was in other versions. 8.0.1 ----- Fix nested blacklisting. 8.0.0 ----- flake8 and isort are not run by default when running docker_dev_start. do_tests.py: Do not crash when super project has an hyphen in its name. import_* follow symlinks. ✨ allow nested blacklisting: For example, allow ignoring odoo-mint/theme when expanding odoo-mint-hr. 🔨 Change list_modules command to output in the console when used. Handle option --odoo-sources in odoo 13. 🚑 avoid error on warning.out 7.0.5 ----- Clarify chown message. Fix issue when trying to build an image using python 3.5 with development tools. 7.0.4 ----- Fix copy of modules static with core in its path. Push image to our registry too. More options can be expanded. Fix reading configuration value in python 2.7. Fix reading odoo_type when using expansion. 7.0.3 ----- Omit Odoo manifests from coverage. Fix copy of modules with core in its path. 7.0.2 ----- Fix colors of passing/failures in run_tests. 7.0.1 ----- Also add expanding in shell scripts. 7.0.0 ----- Rewrote expanding to allow blacklisting. It should be simpler to add new options. 6.0.0 ----- Change to how output is colorized in shell scripts. Add .expand to several options so that a super project can reuse other super projects. Fix --odoo-help in docker_dev_start to avoid requiring a database. 5.0.0 ----- Use semver. docker_dev_start and do_tests: use socket when starting postgresql rather than a port that might be used on the host. docker_dev_start stops doing systematic chown on the content of /mnt in the container. The argument ``--chown`` can be used to do that. This was needed when the odoo user changed in an image, a rare occurence. Add :ref:`docker_pg.py` command to start postgres like :ref:`docker_dev_start.py` does when using ``--start-postgresql``, but without starting odoo. 4.2.1 ----- Disable test, meaning that import_base_import does not work in odoo 13. 4.2 --- Adapt import scripts to odoo 13. import_base_import **does not work** in this version yet. Fix missing PyYAML dependency. Colored logs. Docker calls are now done with the API rather than with subprocesses. :file:`isort` shell script has been removed, it is now available as a python 3 script :ref:`docker_isort`. Logging default is now the info level. Use `-q`/`--quiet` to decrease verbosity. 4.1 --- Shell scripts stop assuming that they are in a directory inside the superproject, but assume they are called from the superproject directory instead. Improve documentation generation. Fix issue with pg.extensions key in config file. Fix issue with flake8 call not using :file:`setup.cfg` preferences; it was called from another directory. Default to pdb with pdb++ instead of ipdb. New option ``--ipdb`` to run ipdb instead if wanted. docker_dev_start: add argument to run SQL script after eventual restauration but before starting the server. 4.0 --- Change how documentation is generated, and do not exit with an error code on module generation errors. 3.3 --- Do not include CI files when duplicating sources. Expose ``logging_from_verbose``. Change failure and error detection in ``run_tests``. run_tests: Add metrics when running in CI. 3.2 --- Changed several shell scripts to python 3 scripts. 3.1 --- Add odoo 13. Add ODOO_ADDONS_PATH env var to start. Add import_sql script. Add option to bind odoo sources in the image: - ``update_duplicate_sources`` now relies on the metaproject clone URL instead of its directory name. Works fine with the bitbucket.org ➔ orus.io move. 3.0 --- Script uses python 3. 2.20 ---- - start locale py3o stack with ``docker_dev_start.py`` (when report_py3o_fusion_server is in module list). 2.19 ---- - remove references to ``addon_dirs``, use ``module`` instead. 2.11 ---- - create_documentation: Fix paths of per-module documentation. - Support Odoo 10 ("odoo-bin" instead of "openerp-server"). 2.10 ---- Add script to duplicate code on another repository. 2.9 --- - conf2reST.py: Prefer anonymous links to avoid conflicts when the same version is shared by 2 repos (as the "link target" system would then be in use). 2.8 --- - add script to create archive of source - create_documentation: only create documentation for used modules, reusing the setup.cfg key defined for create_archive if it is present - docker_build: copy modules (defined in setup.cfg in superproject to a new directory for docker to do) 2.7 --- Add conf2reST.py script. 2.0 --- Read module_list, module_list_test, addon_dirs and odoo_type from setup.cfg instead of directories 1.0 --- Initial version