#!/bin/zsh # vim: set shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2: # # Common functions and env var. # # This file is meant to be sourced. # assume we are called from the project home project_home=$PWD project_name=$(basename "$project_home") if ! type python3 > /dev/null; then python="python2" else python="python3" fi # handy colorized variables esc=$(printf '\033') RESET="${esc}[0m" DEBUG="[${esc}[36mDEBUG${RESET}]" INFO="[${esc}[34mINFO ${RESET}]" WARN="[${esc}[33mWARN ${RESET}]" FATAL="[${esc}[41m${esc}[37mFATAL${RESET}]" GREEN="${esc}[32m" OK="[${GREEN} OK${RESET} ]" RED="${esc}[31m" KO="[${esc}[41m${esc}[37m KO ${RESET}]" WHITE_BOLD="${esc}[1;37m" function read_configuration_key () { # Read a configuration key from any ini file # first argument is file path # second argument is section # third argument is the key to use # fourth argument is default value, if any # fifth argument is separator, default to a space file=$1 section=$2 configuration_key=$3 default_value=$4 separator=${5- } echo $($python -B -c "from six.moves import configparser ; c = configparser.ConfigParser() ; c.read('${file}') ; print('$separator'.join(c.get('$section', '$configuration_key').split()) if c.has_option('$section', '$configuration_key') else '$default_value')") } function read_odoo_scripts_configuration_key () { # Return configuration value from odoo_scripts configuration file # first argument is the key to use # second argument is default value, if any configuration_key=${1} default_value=$2 read_configuration_key "${project_home}/setup.cfg" odoo_scripts $configuration_key $default_value } function read_odoo_scripts_expandable_configuration_key () { # return configuration value by appending any expanded values from defined super projects. glob key as appropriate, for module for example. # first argument is the key to use # second optional argument is the separator to use (default to comma) configuration_key=${1} separator=${2-,} # read expanded configurations, only done with projects in python 3 if type python3 > /dev/null; then configuration_value=$(python3 -B -c "from odoo_scripts.config import Configuration ; c = Configuration('$project_home') ; print('$separator'.join(c.$configuration_key))") else # read only local values configuration_value=$($python -B -c "from six.moves import configparser ; import os ; c = configparser.ConfigParser() ; c.read(os.path.join('$project_home', 'setup.cfg')) ; print('$separator'.join(c.get('odoo_scripts', '$configuration_key').split() if c.has_option('odoo_scripts', '$configuration_key') else []))") if [[ $configuration_key == modules ]]; then configuration_value=$($python -B -c "import os;from glob import glob;print('$separator'.join([file for path in '${configuration_value}'.split('$separator') for file in glob(path) if os.path.isdir(file)]))") fi fi echo $configuration_value } # function to be used in pipes function colorize () { cat | sed -E \ -e "s/(.*) (TEST) (.*) (ERROR)(.*)/${esc}[2m\1${esc}[22m ${esc}[34m${esc}[7m\2${esc}[27m \3${esc}[0m ${esc}[41m${esc}[97m${esc}[1m\4${esc}[49m${esc}[31m\5${esc}[0m/" \ -e "s/^([[:digit:]]{4,}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} [[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2},[[:digit:]]{3}) ([[:digit:]]+) (TEST) ([^ ]+) ([^:]+:) (OK)?(.*)/\1 ${esc}[2m\2${esc}[22m ${esc}[36m${esc}[7m\3${esc}[0m ${esc}[2m\4${esc}[22m ${esc}[38;5;39m\5 ${esc}[36m${esc}[7m\6${esc}[27m${esc}[39m${esc}[36m\7$RESET/" \ -e "s/^([[:digit:]]{4,}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} [[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2},[[:digit:]]{3}) ([[:digit:]]+) (INFO) ([^ ]+) (odoo\.addons\.[^:]*\.tests\.[^:]*:) (Starting .*)/\1 ${esc}[2m\2${esc}[22m ${esc}[36m${esc}[7m\3${esc}[0m ${esc}[2m\4${esc}[22m ${esc}[38;5;39m\5 ${esc}[36m\6$RESET/" \ -e "s/^([[:digit:]]{4,}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} [[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2},[[:digit:]]{3}) ([[:digit:]]+) (INFO) ([^ ]+) (odoo\.(tests\.(runner|result|stats)|modules\.module):) (.*)/\1 ${esc}[2m\2${esc}[22m ${esc}[36m${esc}[7m\3${esc}[0m ${esc}[2m\4${esc}[22m ${esc}[38;5;39m\5 ${esc}[36m\8$RESET/" \ -e "s/^([[:digit:]]{4,}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} [[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2},[[:digit:]]{3}) ([[:digit:]]+) (INFO) ([^ ]+) (o(doo|penerp)\.(modules\.loading|tools\.translate)|openerp\.addons\.base\.ir\.ir_translation|odoo\.addons\.base\.models\.ir_module): (.*)/\1 ${esc}[2m\2${esc}[22m ${esc}[32m${esc}[7m\3${esc}[0m ${esc}[2m\4${esc}[22m ${esc}[38;5;22m\5: ${esc}[38;5;64m\8$RESET/" \ -e "s/^([[:digit:]]{4,}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} [[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2},[[:digit:]]{3}) ([[:digit:]]+) (INFO) ([^ ]+) ([^:]*:) (=+)/\1 ${esc}[2m\2${esc}[22m ${esc}[32m${esc}[7m\3${esc}[0m ${esc}[2m\4${esc}[22m ${esc}[38;5;28m\5 ${esc}[31m\6$RESET/" \ -e "s/^([[:digit:]]{4,}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} [[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2},[[:digit:]]{3}) ([[:digit:]]+) (INFO) ([^ ]+) ([^:]*:)( ?[^=].*)/\1 ${esc}[2m\2${esc}[22m ${esc}[32m${esc}[7m\3${esc}[0m ${esc}[2m\4${esc}[22m ${esc}[38;5;28m\5${esc}[32m\6$RESET/" \ -e "s/^([[:digit:]]{4,}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} [[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2},[[:digit:]]{3}) ([[:digit:]]+) (DEBUG) ([^ ]+) ([^:]*:) (.*)/\1 ${esc}[2m\2${esc}[22m ${esc}[34m${esc}[7m\3${esc}[0m ${esc}[2m\4${esc}[22m ${esc}[38;5;24m\5 ${esc}[34m\6$RESET/" \ -e "s/^([[:digit:]]{4,}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} [[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2},[[:digit:]]{3}) ([[:digit:]]+) (WARNING) ([^ ]+) ([^:]*:) (.*)/\1 ${esc}[2m\2${esc}[22m ${esc}[33m${esc}[7m\3${esc}[0m ${esc}[2m\4${esc}[22m ${esc}[38;5;94m\5 ${esc}[33m\6$RESET/" \ -e "s/^([[:digit:]]{4,}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} [[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2},[[:digit:]]{3}) ([[:digit:]]+) (ERROR) ([^ ]+) (odoo\.(tests\.(runner|result|stats)|modules\.module):) (FAIL)?(.*)/\1 ${esc}[2m\2${esc}[22m ${esc}[35m${esc}[7m\3${esc}[0m ${esc}[2m\4${esc}[22m ${esc}[38;5;88m\5 ${esc}[35m${esc}[7m\8${esc}[27m\9$RESET/" \ -e "s/^([[:digit:]]{4,}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} [[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2},[[:digit:]]{3}) ([[:digit:]]+) (ERROR) ([^ ]+) ([^:]*:) (FAIL)?(.*)/\1 ${esc}[2m\2${esc}[22m ${esc}[31m${esc}[7m\3${esc}[0m ${esc}[2m\4${esc}[22m ${esc}[38;5;88m\5 ${esc}[31m${esc}[7m\6${esc}[27m\7$RESET/" \ -e "s/^([[:digit:]]{4,}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} [[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2},[[:digit:]]{3}) ([[:digit:]]+) (CRITICAL) ([^ ]+) ([^:]*:) (.*)/\1 ${esc}[2m\2${esc}[22m ${esc}[1;31m${esc}[7m\3${esc}[0m ${esc}[2m\4${esc}[22m ${esc}[31m\5 ${esc}[1;31m\6$RESET/" \ -e "s/ FAILED/ ${esc}[41m${esc}[97m${esc}[1mFAILED${esc}[0m/" \ } # The analyse method does several things: # - print a resume of failure, errors and passes # - create a metrics file with the number of tests (when the CI environment variable equals true) # - return an error code based on the parsing of the log file. This is meant to be used on Odoo that did not exit with # a non-zero value when tests fail. # The method takes the logfile as its only argument. function analyze () { logfile=$1 # Odoo >= 14 detection # Odoo 17 uses odoo.tests.result rather than odoo.tests.runner if [ $(grep -P 'odoo\.tests\.(runner|result): ([[:digit:]]+) failed, [[:digit:]]+ error\(s\) of [[:digit:]]+ tests when loading database' $logfile --count) -gt 0 ]; then # Valid with odoo 14, 15, 16, 17 # Add junit tests results to qunit tests results tests_ran=$(grep -P 'odoo\.tests\.(runner|result): ([[:digit:]]+) failed, [[:digit:]]+ error\(s\) of \K[[:digit:]]+' $logfile -o) quilt_tests_ran=$(grep -P ': ([[:digit:]]+) / [[:digit:]]+ tests failed.' $logfile --only-matching | sed -n "s,: [^ ]* / \([^ ]\),\1,p" | perl -ne '$sum += $_ } { print $sum') tests_failures=$(grep -P 'odoo\.tests\.(runner|result): \K([[:digit:]]+)' $logfile --only-matching) quilt_tests_failures=$(grep -P ': ([[:digit:]]+) / [[:digit:]]+ tests failed.' $logfile --only-matching | sed -n "s,: \([^ ]*\) /.*,\1,p" | perl -ne '$sum += $_ } { print $sum') tests_errors=$(grep -P 'odoo\.tests\.(runner|result): ([[:digit:]]+) failed, \K[[:digit:]]+' $logfile -o) import_errors_number=0 else # Valid with odoo 7, 11, 13 tests_ran=$(grep -P 'o(penerp|doo).(modules.module|[^ ]+): Ran \K([[:digit:]]+)' $logfile -o | perl -ne '$sum += $_ } { print $sum') if [ -z "$tests_ran" ]; then tests_ran=0 fi tests_failures=$(grep -P 'o(penerp|doo).(modules.module|[^ ]+): Module [a-zA-Z0-9._-]+: \K([[:digit:]]+)' $logfile -o | perl -ne '$sum += $_ } { print $sum') # that might be doable in the perl above if [ -z "$tests_failures" ]; then tests_failures=0 fi tests_errors=$(grep -P 'o(penerp|doo).(modules.module|[^ ]+): Module [a-z0-9_]+: [[:digit:]]+ failures, \K([[:digit:]]+)' $logfile -o | perl -ne '$sum += $_ } { print $sum') if [ -z "$tests_errors" ]; then tests_errors=0 fi import_errors=$(grep -P 'o(penerp|doo).(modules.module|[^ ]+): Can not `import [a-z0-9_]+`.' $logfile) import_errors_number=$(grep -P 'o(penerp|doo).(modules.module|[^ ]+): Can not `import [a-z0-9_]+`.' $logfile -c) if [[ "$import_errors_number" -ne 0 ]]; then test_errors=$((test_errors+import_errors_number)) fi fi # create an OpenMetrics metrics file if [ "$CI" = "true" ]; then echo -e "odoo_scripts_tests_ran $tests_ran\nodoo_scripts_tests_failures $tests_failures\nodoo_scripts_tests_error $tests_error\n# EOF\n" > metrics fi if [ "$ODOO_TYPE" = 'odoo7' ] || [ "$ODOO_TYPE" = 'odoo8' ] || [ "$ODOO_TYPE" = 'odoo9' ] || [ "$ODOO_TYPE" = 'odoo10' ] || [ "$ODOO_TYPE" = 'odoo11' ]; then ok=$(grep ' OK' $logfile -c) else ok=0 fi # odoo 13 uses FAIL as the error message, in the form: FAIL: TestReorderingRule.test_reordering_rule failed=$(grep ' FAIL\(ED\|:\)\| CRITICAL\| ERROR [^ ]* openerp.modules.module: Can not .import openerp\.addons\.\| TEST .* ERROR:\|Failed to initialize database\| ERROR \([[:alnum:]]\|_\)* .\+\.test_.\+ ERROR: \|invalid module names, ignored:' $logfile -c) if [[ -n "$import_errors_number" ]]; then failed=$((failed+$import_errors_number)) fi warnings=$(grep ' WARNING ' $logfile -c) # XXX Not sure this is needed anymore with the tests_failures/tests_errors detection if [[ $failed -eq 0 ]]; then # simple way to detect yaml failure failed=$(grep 'o(penerp|doo).modules.loading: At least one test failed when loading the modules.' $logfile -c) fi echo '' echo "${esc}[9m-----$RESET ${esc}[7m${esc}[1mTest results$RESET ${esc}[9m-----$RESET" printf "$tests_failures failed, $tests_errors error(s) of $tests_ran tests" if [ "$ODOO_TYPE" = 'odoo7' ] || [ "$ODOO_TYPE" = 'odoo8' ] || [ "$ODOO_TYPE" = 'odoo9' ] || [ "$ODOO_TYPE" = 'odoo10' ]; then echo " ($ok modules passing)" else if [ "$ODOO_TYPE" = 'odoo11' ]; then echo " ($ok test files passing)" else echo '' fi fi echo '' if [[ $failed -gt 0 ]]; then echo -e "${RED}Failures${RESET}:" # Highlight the failure matches in red (31). GREP_COLORS='mt=0;31' grep "CRITICAL\|FAIL\(ED\|:\)" $logfile GREP_COLORS='mt=0;31' grep --color=always "ERROR [^ ]* openerp\.tools\.yaml_import:" $logfile GREP_COLORS='mt=0;31' grep --color=always "ERROR [^ ]* openerp.modules.module: Can not \`import openerp\.addons\..*\`" $logfile # this one is for odoo 7 GREP_COLORS='mt=0;31' grep --color=always "TEST .* ERROR:" $logfile # this one is for odoo 13 for tests that produces errors (failures are matched with FAIL: ) GREP_COLORS='mt=0;31' grep --color=always "ERROR [^ ]* .\+\.test_.\+ ERROR:" $logfile GREP_COLORS='mt=0;31' grep --color=always "invalid module names, ignored" $logfile if [[ -n "$import_errors" ]]; then echo "$import_errors" fi fi echo '' if [[ $tests_failures -gt 0 ]] || [[ $tests_errors -gt 0 ]]; then echo "$FATAL Tests failed (found failure and errors in Ran N failed/failures, M errors)" return 42 fi if [[ $failed -gt 0 ]]; then echo "$FATAL Tests failed (found failure with grep)" return 20 fi if [[ "${FAIL_ON_WARNING:-False}" != "False" ]]; then if [[ $warnings -gt 0 ]]; then echo "$FATAL Tests failed ($warnings WARNING found)" return 2 fi fi return 0 } # Make ODOO_TYPE available to files that sources this file. ODOO_TYPE=${ODOO_TYPE:-$(read_odoo_scripts_configuration_key odoo_type odoo8)}