include: - file: python3-lint.gitlab-ci.yaml project: xcg/ci-templates - file: docker-build.gitlab-ci.yaml project: xcg/ci-templates - file: deploy-doc.gitlab-ci.yaml project: xcg/ci-templates - file: shell-lint.gitlab-ci.yaml project: xcg/ci-templates variables: TAG_LATEST: branch/default DOCKER_IMAGE: xcgd/odoo_scripts HTML_DOC_SOURCES: doc/_build/html SH_SCRIPTS: isort create_archive start checkbashisms: allow_failure: true import_jsonrpc_odoo11_test: stage: test image: name: entrypoint: [""] services: - name: postgres:12-alpine command: ["-c", "fsync=off"] alias: db variables: POSTGRES_USER: odoo POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD: trust ODOO_ADDONS_PATH: "" ODOO_TYPE: odoo11 before_script: - pip3 install $CI_PROJECT_DIR --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir script: - sudo --preserve-env -u odoo $CI_PROJECT_DIR/start --db_host=db -d test_setup --max-cron-threads=0 --without-demo=all --data-dir /var/lib/odoo --init base & # wait for odoo to install the modules - sleep 35 # then test the setup files - import_jsonrpc -v --host localhost --password admin -d test_setup --protocol jsonrpc -p 8069 --directory tests/import - import_jsonrpc -v --host localhost --password admin -d test_setup --protocol jsonrpc -p 8069 --file tests/context_import/ --context test=value - import_jsonrpc -v --host localhost --password admin -d test_setup --protocol jsonrpc -p 8069 --directory tests/import_emptyyaml --delimiter ";" - import_sql -vv --host postgres --user odoo --database test_setup --directory tests/import_sql import_base_import_odoo11_test: extends: import_jsonrpc_odoo11_test script: - sudo --preserve-env -u odoo $CI_PROJECT_DIR/start --db_host=db -d test_setup --max-cron-threads=0 --without-demo=all --data-dir /var/lib/odoo --init base & # wait for odoo to install the modules - sleep 35 # then test the setup files - import_base_import -v --host localhost --password admin -d test_setup --protocol jsonrpc -p 8069 --directory tests/import - import_sql -vv --host postgres --user odoo --database test_setup --directory tests/import_sql import_jsonrpc_odoo13_test: extends: import_jsonrpc_odoo11_test image: name: entrypoint: [""] variables: ODOO_TYPE: odoo13 import_base_import_odoo13_test: extends: import_base_import_odoo11_test image: name: entrypoint: [""] variables: ODOO_TYPE: odoo13 allow_failure: true build-documentation: stage: build image: python:3-alpine artifacts: paths: - doc/_build expire_in: 10m script: - apk add make mercurial # It might not be necessary to install this and the dependency (maybe just reuse the built image? but its done after) - pip3 install . - cd doc - pip3 install -r requirements hg-evolve - for language in en fr ; do LANGUAGE=$language BUILDDIRSUFFIX=/$(hg identify --debug --branch) make html ; done publish_documentation: only: - /^branch\/.*/