#!/bin/zsh # vim: set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: # # This script generates documentation in all submodules. # It needs: # - openerp to be installed # # Version 12.0.1 here=$(dirname $0) source $here/common project_name=${DOC_PROJECT_NAME:-${CI_PROJECT_NAME:-${DRONE_REPO_NAME:-project_name}}} languages=(${LANGUAGES:-en}) format=html out_dir=${project_home}/_build/$format module_error=0 error=0 typeset -a odoo_modules odoo_modules=("${(@s/ /)$(read_odoo_scripts_expandable_configuration_key modules " ")}") pushd $project_home # set addons path typeset -a addons_path addons_path=() for module_path in $odoo_modules ; do module_dir=$(dirname $module_path) if (($addons_path[(Ie)$module_dir])); then # already in else addons_path+=($module_dir) fi unset module_dir done export ODOO_ADDONS_PATH=${(j:,:)addons_path} unset addons_path # search where to copy modules documentation for doc_dir in doc docs; do if [[ -d "$doc_dir" ]] ; then superproject_modules_doc=$project_home/$doc_dir/modules [[ -d $superproject_modules_doc ]] || mkdir $superproject_modules_doc fi done # Generate all modules documentation for module_path in $odoo_modules ; do if [[ -d "$module_path" ]] ; then echo "" echo "${INFO} Documentation for ${BOLD_WHITE}$module_path${RESET}" pushd $module_path module=$(basename $module_path) has_doc="" if [ -e ".git" ]; then branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" elif [ -e ".hg" ]; then branch="$(hg identify --branch)" else echo "${WARN} Branch name not found" branch="default" fi for doc_dir in doc docs ; do if [[ -d $doc_dir && -e $doc_dir/Makefile ]]; then echo "${INFO} Branch name: $branch" has_doc=True echo ${INFO} Makefile found in $module_path/$doc_dir pushd $doc_dir # TODO read languages value from Makefile (at least available ones) for language in $languages ; do make $format LANGUAGE=${language} BUILDDIR=_build if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then dest_dir=$out_dir/$module/$language/$branch echo ${GREEN}OK${RESET} - Documentation generation done for $module_path/$doc_dir, copy to $dest_dir mkdir -p $dest_dir if [[ -d "_build/$format/$language" ]]; then echo "${INFO} found _build/$format/$language/, copying from there" cp --archive --recursive "_build/$format/$language/." "$dest_dir" else # this is only because some modules Makefile are not up to date echo "${INFO} no _build/$format/$language/ found, copying from _build/$format/" cp --archive --recursive "_build/$format/." "$dest_dir" fi else echo ${WARN} Documentation generation failed for $module_path/$doc_dir ((module_error++)) fi done popd # copy documentation in super project rsync --recursive --copy-links --perms --times --group --owner $doc_dir/ "$superproject_modules_doc/$module" # generate autotodo for each module (to update pathes) if [[ -e $doc_dir/autotodo.py ]] ; then echo "${INFO} running autotodo again from different path $superproject_modules_doc/$module for ${project_home}/${module_path}" pushd "$superproject_modules_doc/$module" ./autotodo.py $(realpath --relative-to="." "${project_home}/${module_path}") .py TODO,FIXME,XXX popd fi # TODO translation will not work when copying like that. fi done if [[ -z "$has_doc" ]] ; then echo ${WARN} - Missing documentation for $module_path fi popd fi done # Generate super project documentation echo "" echo "${INFO} ${WHITE_BOLD}Super project${RESET} documentation generation" # determine branch name if [ -n "$DRONE_BRANCH" ]; then branch="$DRONE_BRANCH" elif [ -e ".git" ]; then branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" elif [ -e ".hg" ]; then branch="$(hg id -b)" else echo "${WARN} Super project branch name not found, using default" branch="default" fi echo "${INFO} Super project branch name: $branch" for doc_dir in doc docs; do if [[ -d "$doc_dir" ]] ; then pushd $doc_dir for language in $languages ; do # create _build to output warnings into it [[ -d _build ]] || mkdir _build/ make $format LANGUAGE=${language} BUILDDIR=_build SPHINXOPTS="-w _build/warnings.out" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then dest_dir=$out_dir/$project_name/$language/$branch echo "${INFO} Documentation generation done for $doc_dir (superproject), copy to $dest_dir" mkdir -p $dest_dir cp --recursive --archive _build/$format/$language/. $dest_dir else echo "${FATAL} Documentation generation failed for $doc_dir (superproject)" ((error++)) fi done popd fi done popd if [[ $module_error -gt 0 ]]; then echo "${WARN} $module_error module(s) with errors" fi # create a metrics file if [[ "$CI" = "true" ]]; then echo -e "# HELP odoo_scripts_create_documentation_module_error Number of module in error.\n# TYPE odoo_scripts_create_documentation_module_error gauge\nodoo_scripts_create_documentation_module_error ${module_error}\n" > metrics for doc_dir in doc docs; do if [[ -e ${doc_dir}/_build/warnings.out ]] ; then echo -e "# HELP odoo_scripts_create_documentation_superproject_warnings Number of warnings in superproject.\n# TYPE odoo_scripts_create_documentation_superproject_warnings gauge\nodoo_scripts_create_documentation_superproject_warnings $(grep --count WARNING ${doc_dir}/_build/warnings.out)\n" >> metrics fi done fi exit $error