include: - file: python3-lint-needs.gitlab-ci.yaml project: xcg/ci-templates - file: python-package.gitlab-ci.yaml project: xcg/ci-templates - file: docker-build.gitlab-ci.yaml project: xcg/ci-templates - file: deploy-doc.gitlab-ci.yaml project: xcg/ci-templates - file: prettier.gitlab-ci.yaml project: xcg/ci-templates - file: yamllint.gitlab-ci.yaml project: xcg/ci-templates - template: "Workflows/Branch-Pipelines.gitlab-ci.yml" variables: HTML_DOC_SOURCES: doc/_build/html DOCKER_IMAGE: # do not use $TEMP_IMAGE_BASENAME, it will not be correctly replaced by GitLab TEMP_IMAGE:${CI_COMMIT_HG_SHA} yamllint: needs: [] rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG == null prettier: needs: [] rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG == null # build a temporary image for doc and tests build-docker-image: needs: [] stage: build variables: TAG_COMMIT_REF_SLUG: "no" TAG_COMMIT_SHA: "yes" TAG_BRANCH: "no" pylint: needs: - job: build-docker-image image: $TEMP_IMAGE variables: PYLINT_FILES: odoo_scripts doc tests rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG == null mypy: needs: - job: build-docker-image image: $TEMP_IMAGE script: - python3 -m pip install mypy types-PyYAML types-psycopg2 types-python-dateutil types-requests build twine - mypy odoo_scripts tests rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG == null unittest: needs: [] stage: test image: script: - tox --workdir=.cache/tox --parallel all -e py36,py37,py38,py39,py310,py311,py312,coverage-report,coverage-xml artifacts: when: always reports: coverage_report: coverage_format: cobertura path: coverage.xml junit: report.py36.xml paths: - report.py36.xml coverage: "/TOTAL.+ ([0-9]{1,3}%)/" cache: paths: - .cache variables: PIP_CACHE_DIR: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.cache/pip rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG == null import_jsonrpc_odoo11_test-focal: stage: test needs: - job: create_package artifacts: true image: name: entrypoint: [""] services: - name: postgres:12-alpine command: ["-c", "fsync=off"] alias: db variables: POSTGRES_USER: odoo POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD: trust ODOO_ADDONS_PATH: "" ODOO_TYPE: odoo11 ODOO_DATA_DIR: /var/lib/odoo before_script: - python3 -m pip show pip setuptools - python3 -m pip install pip>10 # install modules - &install_modules $CI_PROJECT_DIR/start --db_host=db -d test_setup --max-cron-threads=0 --without-demo=all --data-dir $ODOO_DATA_DIR --init base --stop-after-init # install current version as this is the one tested, not the one in the image - export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH - python3 -m pip install dist/*.whl script: # restart odoo with installed modules and use it in background - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/start --db_host=db -d test_setup --max-cron-threads=0 --data-dir $ODOO_DATA_DIR & - sleep 3 # then test the setup files - import_jsonrpc -v --host localhost --password admin -d test_setup --protocol jsonrpc -p 8069 --directory tests/import - import_jsonrpc -v --host localhost --password admin -d test_setup --protocol jsonrpc -p 8069 --file tests/context_import/ --context test=value - import_jsonrpc -v --host localhost --password admin -d test_setup --protocol jsonrpc -p 8069 --directory tests/import_emptyyaml --delimiter ";" - import_sql -v --host postgres --user odoo --database test_setup --directory tests/import_sql # clean up background process - pkill --echo --full /usr/bin/python3 - pkill --echo --full zsh rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG == null import_jsonrpc_odoo11_test: extends: import_jsonrpc_odoo11_test-focal image: name: import_base_import_odoo11_test: extends: import_jsonrpc_odoo11_test script: # restart odoo with installed modules and use it in background - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/start --db_host=db -d test_setup --max-cron-threads=0 --data-dir /var/lib/odoo & - sleep 3 # then test the setup files - import_base_import -v --host localhost --password admin -d test_setup --protocol jsonrpc -p 8069 --directory tests/import - import_sql -vv --host postgres --user odoo --database test_setup --directory tests/import_sql # clean up background process - pkill --echo --full /usr/bin/python3 - pkill --echo --full zsh import_jsonrpc_odoo13_test: extends: import_jsonrpc_odoo11_test-focal image: name: entrypoint: [""] variables: ODOO_TYPE: odoo13 import_jsonrpc_odoo14_test: extends: import_jsonrpc_odoo11_test-focal image: name: entrypoint: [""] variables: ODOO_TYPE: odoo14 import_jsonrpc_odoo15_test: extends: import_jsonrpc_odoo11_test-focal image: name: entrypoint: [""] variables: ODOO_TYPE: odoo15 ODOO_DATA_DIR: /var/opt/odoo import_jsonrpc_odoo16_test: extends: import_jsonrpc_odoo15_test image: name: entrypoint: [""] services: - name: postgres:15-alpine command: ["-c", "fsync=off"] alias: db variables: ODOO_TYPE: odoo16 docker_build_copy_test: needs: - job: build-docker-image stage: test image: $TEMP_IMAGE script: - docker_build_copy - docker_build_clean rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG == null build-documentation: # done in test stage to be able to use the built image stage: test needs: - job: build-docker-image image: $TEMP_IMAGE artifacts: paths: - doc/_build expire_in: 10m script: - apk add make - pip3 install hg-evolve .[doc] - cd doc - for language in en fr ; do make LANGUAGE=$language BUILDDIRSUFFIX=/$CI_COMMIT_HG_BRANCH html ; done publish_documentation: needs: - job: build-documentation artifacts: true rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^branch\/.*/ publish_image: extends: build-docker-image stage: deploy needs: - job: docker_build_copy_test optional: true - job: import_jsonrpc_odoo11_test optional: true - job: import_jsonrpc_odoo11_test-focal optional: true - job: import_jsonrpc_odoo13_test optional: true - job: import_base_import_odoo11_test optional: true - job: unittest optional: true variables: TAG_LATEST: branch/default script: - DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE_NAME="$TEMP_IMAGE" tag-img - TAG_COMMIT_SHA="no" DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE_NAME="$TEMP_IMAGE" DOCKER_IMAGE="xcgd/odoo_scripts" tag-img release_job: stage: deploy image: needs: - publish_package rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG script: - echo "running release_job" - export EXTRA_DESCRIPTION="test" release: name: "$CI_COMMIT_TAG" description: "Created using the release-cli $EXTRA_DESCRIPTION" tag_name: "$CI_COMMIT_TAG" ref: "$CI_COMMIT_TAG" # TODO find a way to automatically add the packages and changelog to the release