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XCG / Odoo modules / l10n_eu_nace
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0European NACE code referential module for Odoo
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XCG / Xbus / Xbus 2 / xbus-monitor
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This project documents and provides reference implementations of an RPC solution over 0mq http://zeromq.org/.
It is compatible with aiozmq http://aiozmq.readthedocs.org/.
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XCG / Odoo modules / web_form_confirm
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Confirmation dialog fixes, for Odoo: This module applies fixes around confirmation dialogs one can launch by adding a confirm attribute into button tags.
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A patched version of simplegeneric (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/simplegeneric)
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Warning /!\ This repo is deprecated since it has been merged into the main WSME repo (https://bitbucket.org/cdevienne/wsme).
So please DO NOT INSTALL OR FORK this repository, it is outdated !
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A docker image with elm preinstalled, along with git & mercurial. Suitable for a CI/CD usage.
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Warning /!\ This repo is deprecated since it has been merged into the main WSME repo (https://bitbucket.org/cdevienne/wsme).
So please DO NOT INSTALL OR FORK this repository, it is outdated !
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This is an empty module to ease removing modules during migrations.
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XCG / Odoo modules / partner_naf
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Docker image based on the Python 3 one https://hub.docker.com/_/python/ with "attrs" & "odoorpc".
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A test report that operates on user objects. Raises an exception to experiment with a bug.