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Updated pyuno driver

Florent Aide requested to merge bitbucket/merged-pr-1 into branch/default

Created originally on Bitbucket by bjoernricks (Björn Ricks)

Was already merged in Bitbucket before import, marked as merged by the import user


today I started hacking on the pyuno driver. It was a hard beast until I did understand that running pyuno with a different python version then it has been compiled for is a no go. The driver is able to start a Office server and uses a client to communicate with the server for the conversion. As the client has to use pyuno the client within the system python spawns a new client instance that runs within the office python. I have tested the driver with LibreOffice 4.0 and was able to convert odt docs to pdf successfully.

Additionally I did add a LICENSE file and put the driver under MIT. Hopefully that is ok for you?

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