Add support for multiple inline instructions in the same line or paragraph.
This comes from bitbucket PR 52
Messages by Alexis de Lattre:
For example, this py3o report doesn’t work with the latest released version of py3o.template, but it works with this PR
I just figured out, while testing this patch on several reports used by one of my customers, that there is a regression on py3o://function=”” used in an hyperlink: the content of the hyperlink is printed in the report ! It works well when py3o://function=”” is used in a function field.
After some investigations about this regression, I feel that it’s really a pain to support both hyperlink and function fields for inline instructions, because the hyperlink has 2 levels (<text:a xlink:href="py3o://function=xxx”>text:spanfunction=xxx</text:span></text:a>) where as the function field has 1 level (<text:text-input text:description="py3o://function="xxx"></text:text-input>), so it’s not easy to handle both in the code. And for the hyperlink, the style that must be kept is on text:span, not on text:a.