steeve.chailloux authoredsteeve.chailloux authored
config.go 7.96 KiB
package runner
import (
// Variable ...
type Variable struct {
Name string `mapstructure:"name"`
Value string `mapstructure:"value"`
type Chart struct {
Type string `mapstructure:"type"`
Path string `mapstructure:"path"`
// Spec ...
type Spec struct {
Variables []Variable `mapstructure:"variables"`
Charts map[string]Chart `mapstructure:"charts"`
// Config is the configuration we get after parsing our beaver.yml file
type Config struct {
APIVersion string `mapstructure:"apiVersion"`
Kind string `mapstructure:"kind"`
Spec Spec `mapstructure:"spec"`
// NewConfig returns a *Config
func NewConfig(configDir string) (*Config, error) {
v := viper.New()
if err := v.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, err
var config Config
cfg := &config
if err := v.Unmarshal(&cfg); err != nil {
return nil, err
return cfg, nil
func NewCmdConfig(logger zerolog.Logger, configDir string, namespace string, dryRun bool) *CmdConfig {
cmdConfig := &CmdConfig{}
cmdConfig.DryRun = dryRun
cmdConfig.RootDir = configDir
cmdConfig.Spec.Charts = make(map[string]CmdChart)
cmdConfig.Namespace = namespace
cmdConfig.Logger = logger
return cmdConfig
func (c *CmdConfig) Initialize(tmpDir string) error {
baseCfg, err := NewConfig(c.RootDir)
if err != nil {
return err
nsCfgDir := filepath.Join(c.RootDir, "environments", c.Namespace)
nsCfg, err := NewConfig(nsCfgDir)
var nsCfgNotFound bool
if err != nil {
_, nsCfgNotFound = err.(viper.ConfigFileNotFoundError)
if !nsCfgNotFound {
return err
if !nsCfgNotFound {
// first "import" all variables from baseCfg
c.Spec.Variables = baseCfg.Spec.Variables
// then merge in all variables from the nsCfg
for k, chart := range baseCfg.Spec.Charts {
c.Spec.Charts[k] = cmdChartFromChart(chart)
// - hydrate
if err := c.hydrate(tmpDir); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type CmdConfig struct {
Spec CmdSpec
RootDir string
Namespace string
Logger zerolog.Logger
DryRun bool
type CmdSpec struct {
Variables []Variable
Charts CmdCharts
Ytt Ytt
type Ytt []string
func (y Ytt) BuildArgs(namespace string, compiled []string) []string {
// ytt -f $chartsTmpFile --file-mark "$(basename $chartsTmpFile):type=yaml-plain"\
// -f base/ytt/ -f base/ytt.yml -f ns1/ytt/ -f ns1/ytt.yml
var args []string
for _, c := range compiled {
args = append(args, "-f", c, "--file-mark", filepath.Base(c))
for _, entry := range []string{
filepath.Join("base", "ytt"),
filepath.Join("base", "ytt.yaml"),
filepath.Join("environments", namespace, "ytt"),
filepath.Join("environments", namespace, "ytt.yaml")} {
if _, err := os.Stat(entry); !os.IsExist(err) {
args = append(args, "-f", entry)
return args
type CmdCharts map[string]CmdChart
type CmdChart struct {
Type string
Path string
ValuesFileNames []string
const (
HelmType = "helm"
YttType = "ytt"
// BuildArgs is in charge of producing the argument list to be provided
// to the cmd
func (c CmdChart) BuildArgs(name, namespace string) ([]string, error) {
var args []string
switch c.Type {
case HelmType:
// helm template name vendor/helm/mychart/ --namespace ns1 -f base.values.yaml -f ns.yaml -f ns.values.yaml
args = append(args, "template", name, c.Path, "--namespace", namespace)
case YttType:
args = append(args, "-f", c.Path)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported chart %s type: %q", c.Path, c.Type)
for _, vFile := range c.ValuesFileNames {
args = append(args, "-f", vFile)
return args, nil
func cmdChartFromChart(c Chart) CmdChart {
return CmdChart{
Type: c.Type,
Path: c.Path,
ValuesFileNames: nil,
// hydrate expands templated variables in our config with concrete values
func (c *CmdConfig) hydrate(tmpDir string) error {
c.Logger.Debug().Str("charts", fmt.Sprintf("%+v\n", c.Spec.Charts)).Msg("before hydrate")
if err := c.hydrateFiles(tmpDir); err != nil {
return err
c.Logger.Debug().Str("charts", fmt.Sprintf("%+v\n", c.Spec.Charts)).Msg("after hydrate")
return nil
func (c *CmdConfig) prepareVariables(v []Variable) map[string]string {
variables := make(map[string]string)
for _, variable := range v {
variables[variable.Name] = variable.Value
variables["namespace"] = c.Namespace
return variables
func (c *CmdConfig) populate() {
c.Spec.Charts = findFiles(c.RootDir, c.Namespace, c.Spec.Charts)
c.Spec.Ytt = findYttFiles(c.RootDir, c.Namespace)
func findYttFiles(rootDir, namespace string) []string {
var result []string
for _, dir := range []string{"base", filepath.Join("environments", namespace)} {
fPath := filepath.Join(rootDir, dir, "ytt")
baseYttDirInfo, err := os.Stat(fPath)
if err == nil && baseYttDirInfo.IsDir() {
result = append(result, fPath)
for _, ext := range []string{"yaml", "yml"} {
fPath := filepath.Join(rootDir, dir, fmt.Sprintf("ytt.%s", ext))
baseYttFileInfo, err := os.Stat(fPath)
if err == nil && !baseYttFileInfo.IsDir() {
result = append(result, fPath)
return result
func findFiles(rootdir, namespace string, charts map[string]CmdChart) map[string]CmdChart {
for name, chart := range charts {
files := findYaml(rootdir, namespace, name)
chart.ValuesFileNames = append(chart.ValuesFileNames, files...)
charts[name] = chart
return charts
func findYaml(rootDir, namespace, name string) []string {
var files []string
for _, folder := range []string{"base", filepath.Join("environments", namespace)} {
for _, ext := range []string{"yaml", "yml"} {
fpath := filepath.Join(rootDir, folder, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, ext))
if _, err := os.Stat(fpath); err == nil {
files = append(files, fpath)
return files
func hydrateFiles(tmpDir string, variables map[string]string, paths []string) ([]string, error) {
var result []string
for _, path := range paths {
fileInfo, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("hydrateFiles could not stat file or dir %s: %w", path, err)
if fileInfo.IsDir() {
result = append(result, path)
if tmpl, err := template.New(filepath.Base(path)).ParseFiles(path); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
if tmpFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(tmpDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s-", filepath.Base(path))); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("hydrateFiles failed to create tempfile: %w", err)
} else {
defer func() {
_ = tmpFile.Close()
if err := tmpl.Execute(tmpFile, variables); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("hydrateFiles failed to execute template: %w", err)
result = append(result, tmpFile.Name())
return result, nil
func (c *CmdConfig) hydrateFiles(dirName string) error {
variables := c.prepareVariables(c.Spec.Variables)
for key, chart := range c.Spec.Charts {
if paths, err := hydrateFiles(dirName, variables, chart.ValuesFileNames); err != nil {
return err
} else {
chart.ValuesFileNames = paths
c.Spec.Charts[key] = chart
return nil
// MergeVariables takes a config (from a file, not a cmd one) and import its
// variables into the current cmdconfig by replacing old ones
// and adding the new ones
func (c *CmdConfig) MergeVariables(other *Config) {
for _, variable := range other.Spec.Variables {
// overlayVariable takes a variable in and either replaces an existing variable
// of the same name or create a new variable in the config if no matching name
// is found
func (c *CmdConfig) overlayVariable(v Variable) {
// find same variable by name and replace is value
// if not found then create the variable
for index, originalVariable := range c.Spec.Variables {
if originalVariable.Name == v.Name {
c.Spec.Variables[index].Value = v.Value
c.Spec.Variables = append(c.Spec.Variables, v)