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package database

import (


// Mapped is the common interface of all structs that are mapped in the database.
type Mapped interface {
	Table() string
	PKeyColumn() string
	Columns(withPKey bool) []string
	Values(columns ...string) []interface{}

// SQ is a squirrel StatementBuilder.
var SQ = squirrel.StatementBuilder

// SQLTrace logs a sql query and args as TRACE level.
func SQLTrace(log *zerolog.Logger, sql string, args []interface{}) {
	if log != nil && log.GetLevel() < 0 {
		arr := zerolog.Arr()
		for _, arg := range args {
			b, err := json.Marshal(arg)
			if err != nil {
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				log.Err(err).Msg("error Marshaling arguments")
			} else {
				if len(b) > 512 {
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					b, err = json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
						"arg first 512 bytes": b[:512],
						"len":                 len(b),
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					if err != nil {
						log.Err(err).Msg("error Marshaling first 512 bytes of arguments")
		logger := log.With().Array("args", arr).Logger()
		logger.Trace().Msg("SQL: " + sql)

// SQLExecutor is the common interface of sqlx.DB and sqlx.Tx that we use in
type SQLExecutor interface {
	ExecContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
	GetContext(ctx context.Context, dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) error
	SelectContext(ctx context.Context, dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) error
	QueryxContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (*sqlx.Rows, error)
	QueryRowxContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) *sqlx.Row

func setPlaceHolderFormat(query squirrel.Sqlizer) squirrel.Sqlizer {
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	sqlizer, ok := builder.Set(query, "PlaceholderFormat", squirrel.Dollar).(squirrel.Sqlizer)
	if !ok {
		panic("could not assert sqlizer from builder")

	return sqlizer
func Get(e SQLExecutor, obj interface{}, query squirrel.Sqlizer, log *zerolog.Logger) error {
	return GetContext(context.Background(), e, obj, query, log)

// GetContext loads an object.
func GetContext(
	ctx context.Context, e SQLExecutor, obj interface{}, query squirrel.Sqlizer, log *zerolog.Logger,
) error {
	sqlQuery, args, err := setPlaceHolderFormat(query).ToSql()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	SQLTrace(log, sqlQuery, args)
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	return e.GetContext(ctx, obj, sqlQuery, args...)

// Select load an object list.
func Select(e SQLExecutor, obj interface{}, query squirrel.Sqlizer, log *zerolog.Logger) error {
	return SelectContext(context.Background(), e, obj, query, log)

// SelectContext loads an object list.
func SelectContext(
	ctx context.Context, e SQLExecutor, obj interface{}, query squirrel.Sqlizer, log *zerolog.Logger,
) error {
	sqlQuery, args, err := setPlaceHolderFormat(query).ToSql()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	SQLTrace(log, sqlQuery, args)
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	return e.SelectContext(ctx, obj, sqlQuery, args...)

// Exec runs a squirrel query on the given db or tx.
func Exec(e SQLExecutor, query squirrel.Sqlizer, log *zerolog.Logger) (sql.Result, error) {
	return ExecContext(context.Background(), e, query, log)

// ExecContext runs a squirrel query on the given db or tx.
func ExecContext(ctx context.Context, e SQLExecutor, query squirrel.Sqlizer, log *zerolog.Logger) (sql.Result, error) {
	query = setPlaceHolderFormat(query)
	sqlQuery, args, err := query.
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	SQLTrace(log, sqlQuery, args)
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	return e.ExecContext(ctx, sqlQuery, args...)

// QueryContext runs a squirrel query on the given db or tx.
func QueryContext(ctx context.Context, e SQLExecutor, query squirrel.Sqlizer, log *zerolog.Logger) (*sqlx.Rows, error) {
	query = setPlaceHolderFormat(query)
	sqlQuery, args, err := query.
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	SQLTrace(log, sqlQuery, args)
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	return e.QueryxContext(ctx, sqlQuery, args...)

// QueryRowContext runs a squirrel query on the given db or tx and return a single Row.
func QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, e SQLExecutor, query squirrel.Sqlizer, log *zerolog.Logger) *Row {
	query = setPlaceHolderFormat(query)
	sqlQuery, args, err := query.
	if err != nil {
		return &Row{err: err}
	SQLTrace(log, sqlQuery, args)

	return &Row{Row: e.QueryRowxContext(ctx, sqlQuery, args...)}

// ValuesMap returns the values for a list of columns as a map. If a column does
// not exits, the corresponding value is set to nil.
func ValuesMap(m Mapped, columns ...string) map[string]interface{} {
	valuesList := m.Values(columns...)
	values := make(map[string]interface{})
	for i, column := range columns {
		values[column] = valuesList[i]
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// SQLUpdate generates a squirrel "update" statement
// for the given mapped instance (auto-selecting by its pkey).
func SQLUpdate(m Mapped, columns ...string) squirrel.UpdateBuilder {
	if len(columns) == 0 {
		columns = m.Columns(false)
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	q := squirrel.
		SetMap(ValuesMap(m, columns...)).Where(
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		squirrel.Eq{m.PKeyColumn(): m.Values(m.PKeyColumn())})
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// SQLUpsert generates a squirrel "upsert" statement.
func SQLUpsert(m Mapped) squirrel.InsertBuilder {
	return SQLUpsertColumns(m, m.Columns(true), m.Columns(false))

func SQLUpsertColumns(
	m Mapped, insertColumns []string, updateColumns []string,
) squirrel.InsertBuilder {
	updateSQL, updateArgs, err := squirrel.
		SetMap(ValuesMap(m, updateColumns...)).
	if err != nil {

	updateParts := strings.Split(updateSQL, " SET ")
	if len(updateParts) != 2 {
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		panic("Could not split the UPDATE query: " + updateSQL)
	suffix := "ON CONFLICT (" + m.PKeyColumn() + ") DO UPDATE SET " + updateParts[1]

	q := squirrel.
		Suffix(suffix, updateArgs...)
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func SQLUpsertBase(table string, keyCols []string, cols []string) squirrel.InsertBuilder {
	uq := squirrel.Update(table)
	for _, col := range cols {
		uq = uq.Set(col, squirrel.Expr("EXCLUDED."+col))
	updateSQL, updateArgs, err := uq.ToSql()
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	if err != nil {

	updateParts := strings.Split(updateSQL, " SET ")
	if len(updateParts) != 2 {
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		panic("Could not split the UPDATE query: " + updateSQL)
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	suffix := "ON CONFLICT (" + strings.Join(keyCols, ",") + ") DO UPDATE SET " + updateParts[1]

	q := squirrel.
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		Suffix(suffix, updateArgs...)
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// SQLUpsertNoPKey generates a squirrel "upsert" statement.
func SQLUpsertNoPKey(keyCols []string, m Mapped, mm ...Mapped) squirrel.InsertBuilder {
	allColumns := m.Columns(false)
	q := SQLUpsertBase(m.Table(), keyCols, allColumns).
	for _, m := range mm {
		q = q.Values(m.Values(allColumns...)...)

	return q

// SQLInsert build a Insert statement to insert one or several mapped instances
// in the database. All the instances must be of the same actual type.
func SQLInsert(instances ...Mapped) squirrel.InsertBuilder {
	allColumns := instances[0].Columns(true)
	q := SQ.Insert(instances[0].Table()).
	for _, m := range instances {
		q = q.Values(m.Values(allColumns...)...)
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	return q

// SQLInsertNoPKey build a Insert statement to insert one or several mapped instances
// in the database, but leave the pkey undefined so it gets auto-generated
// by the database. All the instances must be of the same actual type.
func SQLInsertNoPKey(instances ...Mapped) squirrel.InsertBuilder {
	allColumns := instances[0].Columns(false)
	q := SQ.Insert(instances[0].Table()).
	for _, m := range instances {
		q = q.Values(m.Values(allColumns...)...)
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// PrefixColumns ...
func PrefixColumns(table string, columns ...string) []string {
	prefixed := make([]string, len(columns))
	for i, name := range columns {
		prefixed[i] = PrefixColumn(table, name)
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	return columns

// PrefixColumn ...
func PrefixColumn(table string, column string) string {
	return table + "." + column