Christophe de Vienne authored
This version of SQLUpsert allows to choose which columns would be inserted, and which columns would be updated only.
Christophe de Vienne authoredThis version of SQLUpsert allows to choose which columns would be inserted, and which columns would be updated only.
sql_helper.go 4.52 KiB
package database
import (
sq "github.com/Masterminds/squirrel"
// NewSQLHelper creates a SQLHelper. It must not outlive the given context and sql executor
func NewSQLHelper(ctx context.Context, sqle SQLExecutor, log zerolog.Logger) SQLHelper {
return SQLHelper{ctx, sqle, log}
// SQLHelper is a short lived helper to easily get/select Mapped structures
type SQLHelper struct {
ctx context.Context
sqle SQLExecutor
log zerolog.Logger
// Get loads a mapped structure
func (h *SQLHelper) Get(obj interface{}, query sq.Sqlizer) error {
return GetContext(h.ctx, h.sqle, obj, query, &h.log)
func (h *SQLHelper) GetRaw(obj interface{}, sql string, args ...interface{}) error {
SQLTrace(&h.log, sql, args)
return h.sqle.GetContext(h.ctx, obj, sql, args...)
// GetByPKey loads a mapped structure
func (h *SQLHelper) GetByPKey(obj Mapped, value interface{}) error {
return h.GetBy(obj, obj.PKeyColumn(), value)
// GetBy ...
func (h *SQLHelper) GetBy(obj Mapped, column string, value interface{}) error {
return h.GetWhere(obj, sq.Eq{column: value})
// GetWhere loads a mapped structure
func (h *SQLHelper) GetWhere(obj Mapped, pred interface{}, args ...interface{}) error {
query := SQ.
Where(pred, args...)
return h.Get(obj, query)
// Select loads a structure list
func (h *SQLHelper) Select(obj interface{}, query sq.Sqlizer) error {
return SelectContext(h.ctx, h.sqle, obj, query, &h.log)
func (h *SQLHelper) SelectRaw(obj interface{}, sql string, args ...interface{}) error {
SQLTrace(&h.log, sql, args)
return h.sqle.SelectContext(h.ctx, obj, sql, args...)
// Exec executes a query
func (h *SQLHelper) Exec(query sq.Sqlizer) (sql.Result, error) {
return ExecContext(h.ctx, h.sqle, query, &h.log)
func (h *SQLHelper) ExecRaw(sql string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
SQLTrace(&h.log, sql, args)
return h.sqle.ExecContext(h.ctx, sql, args...)
// Query executes a query
func (h *SQLHelper) Query(query sq.Sqlizer) (*sqlx.Rows, error) {
return QueryContext(h.ctx, h.sqle, query, &h.log)
// QueryRaw executes a raw SQL query
func (h *SQLHelper) QueryRaw(sql string, args ...interface{}) (*sqlx.Rows, error) {
SQLTrace(&h.log, sql, args)
return h.sqle.QueryxContext(h.ctx, sql, args...)
// Insert inserts a Mapped into the db
func (h *SQLHelper) Insert(instances ...Mapped) (sql.Result, error) {
query := SQLInsert(instances...)
return h.Exec(query)
// InsertNoPKey inserts a Mapped into the db
func (h *SQLHelper) InsertNoPKey(instances ...Mapped) (sql.Result, error) {
query := SQLInsertNoPKey(instances...)
return h.Exec(query)
// Upsert upserts a Mapped into the db
func (h *SQLHelper) Upsert(instances ...Mapped) error {
for _, instance := range instances {
query := SQLUpsert(instance)
if _, err := h.Exec(query); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Upsert upserts a Mapped into the db
func (h *SQLHelper) UpsertColumns(insertColumns, updateColumns []string, instances ...Mapped) error {
for _, instance := range instances {
query := SQLUpsertColumns(instance, insertColumns, updateColumns)
if _, err := h.Exec(query); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Update updates the given Mapped into the db using their
// pkey as predicate for the where clause
func (h *SQLHelper) Update(instances ...Mapped) error {
for _, instance := range instances {
query := SQLUpdate(instance)
if _, err := h.Exec(query); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UpsertNoPKey upserts a Mapped into the db
func (h *SQLHelper) UpsertNoPKey(keyCols []string, instances ...Mapped) error {
for _, instance := range instances {
query := SQLUpsertNoPKey(keyCols, instance)
if _, err := h.Exec(query); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// SyncRelationStrings ...
func (h *SQLHelper) SyncRelationStrings(
table string, colFrom string, colTo string,
colFromValue string, colToValues []string,
) error {
if len(colToValues) != 0 {
// Upsert ts les couples
q := sq.Insert(table).
Columns(colFrom, colTo)
for _, value := range colToValues {
q = q.Values(colFromValue, value)
if _, err := h.Exec(q); err != nil {
return err
filter := sq.And{sq.Eq{colFrom: colFromValue}}
for _, value := range colToValues {
filter = append(filter, sq.NotEq{colTo: value})
// Delete les valeurs non voulues
if _, err := h.Exec(sq.Delete(table).Where(filter)); err != nil {
return err
return nil