Accounting reports
Improve accounting reports Odoo provides by default.
Some other modules rely on this one (such as ``general_ledger``,
This module hides some accounting menus the use of which no longer makes sense
when this module is available.
This module adds:
* Account consultation.
* Accounting entries: Add a balance which is simply debit - credit.
Account consultation relies on an Odoo report that has to be set up as follows:
* Model (``model``): ``account.move.line``.
* Technical name (``report_name``): ``account_report.report_account_statement``.
* Parser (``parser``): ``account_report.reports.account_statement.Parser``.
Optional; provides ``debit_sum``, ``credit_sum``, ``balance_sum``.
TODO: Migration odoo 11
Replace the use of to inject debit, credit and balance totals in the report.