Something went wrong on our end
Vincent Hatakeyama authored
docker_build: copy modules (defined in setup.cfg in superproject to a new directory for docker to do)
Vincent Hatakeyama authoreddocker_build: copy modules (defined in setup.cfg in superproject to a new directory for docker to do)
docker_build_clean 587 B
# vim: set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4:
# Create docker script (clean)
# template version 2.7
# TODO add a way to bypass the value, maybe with a key in the setup.cfg file
here=$(dirname $0)
project_home=$(cd $here && cd .. && echo $PWD)
odoo_modules=$(python -B -c "import ConfigParser ; c = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() ;'${project_home}/setup.cfg') ; print (c.has_option('odoo_scripts', 'modules') and c.get('odoo_scripts', 'modules') or '')")
# Delete odoo modules temp directory
if [[ -n $odoo_modules ]];
echo rm -rf $project_home/odoo_modules